2. How can I change the voice from Female to Male or from Male to Female?
Since the text-to-speech applications are relatively large, only one gender is installed to the Pocket PC. If you want to switch to a different gender (or to the .wav files), you will have to uninstall Pocket Speech and reinstall:
To uninstall Pocket Speech:
1. On your Pocket PC, tap on "Start --> Settings" and select the "System" tab
2. Tap on "Remove Programs"
3. Select "Pocket Speech" and tap "Remove"
To install the desired speech option:
1. Connect your Pocket PC to your Desktop computer via ActiveSync®
2. On your Desktop computer, double-click on My Computer
3. Go to "C:\Program Files\CoPilot Live\PocketPC4_NA\CEQStart\English"
4. Right click on the preferred voice folder and copy the .cab file
5. Open the Microsoft® ActiveSync® window
6. Click on Explore and paste the .cab file
7. On your Pocket PC, tap "Start --> Programs --> File Explorer"
8. Explore the "My Documents" folder and tap on the TTS file (or "wavefile" if you selected the .wav files)
9. Delete the TTS (or wavefile) from your "My Documents" folder.