ALK Technologies - Technology that Drives Transportation - GPS Navigation Evolved

GPS Navigation Evolved
GPS Navigation Evolved

2. How do I configure my GPS receiver to work with CoPilot Live| Pocket PC 4?

If you have a non-Bluetooth ALK GPS receiver, CoPilot Live will automatically detect the GPS receiver - no configuration is necessary.

If you have a Bluetooth GPS receiver or a GPS receiver that you purchased from another manufacturer, you will need to set the COM port and Baud rate for CoPilot Live to recognize the GPS receiver:

1. Launch CoPilot Live on your Pocket PC (Tap on "Start --> CoPilot Live")
2. In the "Tools" menu, tap "Options" and select the "GPS" tab
3. In the "GPS Com Port and Baud Rate" section, select the COM port and Baud Rate as provided by your GPS manufacturer. If you do not know this information, tap the "Auto Scan" button and CoPilot Live will search all available ports for your receiver.

Note: If you are using a Bluetooth GPS receiver, your Pocket PC's Bluetooth Manager must be aware of the device before CoPilot Live can detect it.

4. Tap "OK" at the top of the screen

Note: CoPilot will remember the GPS settings on exit, so you will only need to configure your GPS on the first use.